Veda 5 – Best Wellness retreat in Rishikesh

After researching for the best wellness retreat near Delhi, I found Veda 5. The best wellness retreat in Rishikesh. I booked myself for a three night rejuvenation package. My main aim was to detox, relax, and to sort out my weak digestive system.
Veda 5 is a luxury retreat in Rishikesh where you can experience the traditional Ayurveda lifestyle and its benefits in a relaxed environment. The retreat offers therapeutic treatments that focus on eliminating stress and rejuvenating your body, mind, and soul.
There are individual healing programs for guests that include massages, yoga, meditation and Organic Ayurvedic meals. The best package that one must book is the Panchakarma treatment which is a highly recommended detoxification treatment of Ayurveda. It eliminates persistent toxins from the body and makes the system energized and relaxed.

My odyssey to wellness 

After an 8.30 am flight from Delhi, I arrived at the Dehradun airport, excited to begin my journey to Rishikesh.  It was an hour long journey, and
the road was pretty decent towards the retreat.

The warm welcome 

On arrival, I was welcomed with a chandan tikka and a beautiful drape – a custom that adds a special touch to the warm welcome. I was elated and refreshed by the warm welcome.

First Impressions

The reception area has beautiful elements adorned at each corner. A peaceful and calming aura can be felt the moment you feel comfortable inside.
A relaxing sensation seeps in as you absorb yourself into the environment that is illuminated with subtle hues on the walls and dim lights. The sound of a tiny waterfall gushing at one side with a bamboo plant looks alluring while a statue of Buddha adds to the minimalistic design.
There are books on meditation and yoga stacked neatly on one side and simple yet intricate wall hangings. The upholstery matches up with the simple looks and yet exudes luxury.
The staff at the reception is as welcoming as the vibe of the place.  A welcome drink made with ginger, honey and lemon is refreshing and revitalizing. Just what I needed after the hilly ride.
The landscaping of the retreat is commendable, but what impressed me the most was the extra attention given to corners that could have been ignored. There were Buddha statues, decorated umbrellas, miniature waterfalls,
potted plants at every corner.
Tiny huts with swings are also created to add in to the special warmth offered by the retreat. The owner has ensured the place offers a classic
combination to Ayurveda essentials while enjoying the luxurious amenities.

Rooms are placed at every hillock, but are worth the height as each room has breathtaking vistas to open your eyes to. A small
pool is also made above the restaurant that has lounge chairs to relax and seep in the scenic beauty. There are beauty rooms with services like signature facials, pedicure and manicure that can be experienced while the enjoying the surroundings.

My Luxurious abode –

After the warm welcome, I am escorted to my room which is located a bit far from the reception. The  steps seemed tiring, but was worth it when we approached the room.  Named as “ Dhyana” meaning meditation, the room opened up to a beautiful cozy duplex room that had all the comforts of a luxurious room.
Comfortable beds with soft pillows, an almirah to keep valuables and my luggage, a wooden showcase with copper bottle and glasses exhibit the wellness essence to the room.
The washroom has all the amenities from Biotique, which reflect their concern for guests. The wide balcony with a panorama view over the property, and the surrounding mountains is just breathtaking.
Although there is no Television in the room, but there are recreational
facilities like table tennis, carom, foosball, ludo in the basement. Unique gifting options, books and healing salts and incenses are also kept for cleaning the aura and vibration of homes.

Annam – Saatvic paradise

The retreat is completely devoid of non vegetarian which comes under taamsic category. The vegetables are plucked from their organic farm that is made with very light spices and completely free from heavy seasonings and dressings.
The aim is to serve simple palatable food. The Executive chef, Ashok, comes from an extensive background in culinary expertise. He ensures each dish is made with light ingredients and is delicious to taste.

The décor matches well with the warm hospitality. A small carriage has three jars lined up that contain chia seeds, sesame and pumpkin seeds. There are different containers of organic tea blends that are lined up neatly. A copper jar is placed for guests on the carriage. The capacity of the restaurant is enough to fill in almost 70 to 80 people and offers a fantastic view of the mountains. The server served some delicious cream of mushroom soup along with sprout and pomegranate salad.
I have to admit this was the most delicious starter I have ever had. Later, he presented a wide thaali with dishes like kadhi, aloo matar, paneer shimla, lauki barfi along with multi grain

After a hearty meal, I am escorted to the Ayurveda center called Svastika Panchkarma Center.

Svastika Panchkarma Center

The dim red lights are bright yet not dominant. Pots filled with water add to the soothing vibe. The doctor pointed out my weak shoulders that were carrying the weight of stress and negative emotions.
She advised me Nasya treatment –  According to the doctor, Nasya has some
unexpected benefits like greater clarity of mind and a calmer nervous system.
It is a simple procedure where 3-5 drops of herbalized oil, usually sesame or olive oil, is applied into the nostrils and sniffed. This lubricates the nasal mucosa, leaving them cleansed by the neti and lubricated by the nasya.

The Therapy –

The manager escorted me to the treatment room that was spacious and smelt heavenly. A wooden steam chamber was kept aside the treatment bed. The therapist, a smiling lady from the North East politely told me to sit on the chair while she dipped my feet in the warm water in the bowl. Minutes later, she made me lie on the bed to begin Nasya. She took a concoction that is made by slowly cooking lubricating and soothing herbs into the oil.
She warms the oil by putting oil in the dropper and holding it under hot water until it is just above body temperature. Later, she tilts my head back as far as possible and asked me to exhale fully.Then she drops 3-5 drops of oil into each nostril and asked me to sniff deeply. Although I did feel a bit groggy initially, but a cup of herbal tea soothed my throat and I felt relaxed and at ease.It was evening time and according to Ayurveda, an early dinner is necessary for balancing the doshas. The chef had prepared lentil soup with steam carrot and a thaali comprising of daal tadka, lauki coconut stew, stir fried coconut cheese, rice, missi roti, jeera raita. Just like lunch, I devoured my dinner. I was especially in love with the stir fried coconut cheese.


Yoga and meditation

There was a yoga session organized for guests. There were yoga mats with cushions, blankets and props for different forms of yogic postures and asanas. The asanas were simple based on Hatha Yoga that focused on stretching and toning of the muscles.
I moved towards the panchkarma center where my appointment for booked for Vedic facial,Detox wrap, Abhyanga and Potli

Detox wrap –

The treatment started with a warm foot bath, with my feet dipped in a bowl of warm water. It felt incredible, as the foot bath certainly has impressive properties to ease away tiredness.
The therapist worked vigorously with the concoction of the Ayurveda powder, that helped in releasing the toxins. The best thing was
apart from the exfoliation, the therapy was helpful in getting rid of the
cellulite from the body. After the powder massage, the oil massage began.
The rhythmic massages were beautifully synchronized thus imparting the exact pressure on each area.  The medicinal herbs were magical and I could feel the pain almost gone. The massage on the other parts was also gentle. She left the detox wrap on my body for a while. This was followed by a steam bath where the skin absorbs the oil profusely and makes it more supple and soft.

Potli Massage – 

The Potli Massage is one that can whisk away your aches and pain in a
matter of 60 minutes. It is a combination of hot compression “Ayurveda
Herbal Compression” (called potli) followed by a luxurious body massage.
The massage is started by working up on the tensed muscles with hot potli, that is synchronised with long massage stroke. The relaxation further accentuated after steam which completely took away the tiredness.

The Panchkarma therapy 

As per Panchkarma, there are five therapies – Griva vasti, prasht abhyanga, mukhalepam, shirodhara, paad abhyanga.
Griva vasti and prasht abhyanga –
One of the major therapies in Ayurveda, Greeva vasti is the most
specialized treatment for neck pain and diseases related to cervical region.
The procedure involves retention of warm medicated oil over the neck region for a stipulated period of time. The treatment gives an amazing relief from the pain and stiffness associated with the neck pain or cervical spondylitis. My shoulder and neck were stiff and there was cervical spondylitis too. This therapy was best suited for my condition.
The therapist creates a leak-proof reservoir made of black gram dough and
places it on my neck. Later, she pours medicated lukewarm oil in a continuous stream in that space that helps to alleviate pain and strengthen the bone and joint tissues. The oil is retained there for a particular period of time. The oil was working its magic and I could feel the pain drifting away.
When the oil cooled down, it was squeezed out with cotton gauze. This procedure was repeated few times. After removing it, the affected area was gently massaged with the same oil.
The therapy improves circulation, muscle and connective tissue strength, while lubricating the joints and promotes its flexibility. She started the Prasht Abhyanga – the massaging of the upper back.
The treatment alleviates cervical spondylitis, stiff neck, sore muscles, upper back aches etc. I could feel the soreness simply going
Muktalepam –
This Muktalepam is tailored purely to the needs and concerns of skin
type and indulges one’s visage with numerous lavishes of gentle cleansing,
exfoliating, masques and deep moisturizers that focus intensely on hydration, purification or soothing. Made with pure organic ingredients, this facial is highly recommended for people who do not indulge in facials but want the skin to be rejuvenated and fresh. My skin felt smooth and I thanked the therapist for the wonderful experience.
Shirodhara –
Shirodhara is a unique, blissful therapy that balances and stabilizes the mind. The therapist covered my eyes with a muslin cloth. Next, she poured warm herbal oil in a thin steady stream directly onto the forehead, where the sixth chakra is located. The therapy helps to purify the mind, alleviate anxiety, reduce headaches and expand
There was a generous amount of oil being poured constantly on the forehead and I could feel the tension melting away. The oil was seeping inside my follicles and healing the tissues in my brain.
The feeling was amazing. After this therapy, she concluded with Paad Abhyanga, which means massaging the legs, ankle and feet. She was giving apt pressure on the ankles and heels and also my knees which needed the tender, loving care since a long time.
The treatments took a long time, but I felt refreshed and young.  It wasn’t very easy to bid adieu to the paradise that had become my home. I felt a certain connection here.


Veda 5 is a hidden gem. It is a very warm, friendly place, run beautifully by the Veda 5 wellness. There is nothing pretentious about Veda 5. It delivers authentic Ayurveda experience that heals the mind, body and soul in a luxurious setting.
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